
This is my final project for my Data Analysis and Design with Python course. For this project, I created a random password generator. In this project, users are prompted to input items such as:

  • The length of the password

  • Amount of special characters wanted

  • Amount of capital and lowercase letters wanted

  • Amount of numbers to be included

The password is then randomized using a series of loops and random functions. The password is saved onto a text file in a designated folder for the user.

Servers / Administration

My friends and I are avid gamers and play games such as Minecraft. Due to this, I decided to create and host a Minecraft server for all of my friends to play on. To do this I downloaded the server files from Mojang directly. I then edited the configuration files to fit the needs of the players.

I am the sole admin of this server which is consistently visited by 15-20 players at once. To manage permissions for current and new players I consistently update the OP and banned IPs JSON documents to maintain a fun and relaxed environment for players on the server.

Whenever I need to launch the server, I created a batch file that, once it is clicked, automatically boots up the server. Along with this, since I am currently on the WIFI run by my apartment complex, I utilize a program called NGROK to host the TCP connection which allows players to connect to the server.